For Job Seekers

Meadowlark offers a variety of services to assist individuals in obtaining and maintaining employment. Get in touch with our staff if you’d like more information on any of the services below! 

Job Placement  

Meadowlark works closely with you and your rehabilitation team while you go through the employment process. With input from you and your sponsoring agency, a comprehensive Individualized Rehabilitation Plan (IRP) is developed. This plan is designed to outline the steps necessary for you to overcome barriers and achieve your vocational goals. In addition to helping you obtain a job, Meadowlark staff provides invaluable job search tools that you can use in the future should you find yourself in need of employment again.  

Once your plan is developed, you and your assigned staff will begin working on the steps leading to your employment. This systematic approach includes functions such as resume development, interview preparation, transportation issue resolution, self-directed job search guidance and job development performed by staff on your behalf. Our goal is to help you achieve your vocational goals in a timely manner, in accordance with your preferences and expectations.   

Job Coaching  

Sometimes starting a new job and learning employer expectations can be overwhelming, leading to confusion, poor performance, anxiety and even job loss. Meadowlark can help make that transition easier for you and your employer by providing you with job coaching during the initial training phase of your employment. Job coaching provides you with a staff member who will assist you while you learn your new job.    

Job coaching can be provided on and off the job; it can be designed in a way that assists you with your needs while maintaining your preferences. The job coach can help you to effectively communicate with your supervisor and co-workers, understand policies and procedures, help your supervisor to identify a key co-worker that you can go to when you are experiencing task related issues, and so much more. In some instances, job coaches meet with you when you are not working to discuss a problem and help you find solutions.    


Meadowlark is committed to helping you maintain employment and/or achieve career advancement. Retention services begin on your first day of employment and last until your sponsoring agency has determined that you are gainfully employed. Retention services are delivered much like job coaching services but in smaller doses. Your assigned staff may still visit you at work, meet with you outside of work, and provide counseling and guidance, but the frequency and intensity will not be as great as when receiving job coaching services. For instance, the assigned staff member may accompany you on your first day of work to ensure you know where to report, or they may meet with you outside of work to help you work through workplace situations. Regardless of the type of support, you will have access to a Meadowlark staff member until you are deemed gainfully employed.  

In addition to helping you maintain your employment, Meadowlark encourages you to contact our employment staff at any time after your case has closed. Whether it is three months, a year or five years later, we want to hear from you if you need assistance at work or seeking to advance your career. We will assist you with finding the resources needed to accomplish your career goals!